

Sunday, March 6, 2011

My husband's girlfriend....

People often have a funny reaction when I mention that my husband's girlfriend always comes on holidays with us, and here is a photo of his precious companion, his pride and joy Cervélo.

She's the cycling equivalent of an 18 year old Spanish au-pair: young, sexy, attracts attention, and importantly, doesn't nag or answer back.  So how have I long accepted my status as Cycling Widow? Well there's that old saying if you can't beat them, join them. So let me introduce my cycling "raison d'etre", newly appointed Leopard Team member, Fabian Cancellara, aka Spartacus, as he's known in the cycling community. I wonder why?


Of course, if you check out some video footage of this guy, you will see his true divinity - in interviews, he's funny, loyal, and "nice". Yes, and happily married. A great team player, an all rounder!

Here's a 4 minute montage of his 2010 victories, entitled "Fabian Cancellara is God". No exaggeration then.

I'm really looking forward to the Classics in March/April to see if Fabian can repeat his victories, and of course the Tour de France in July will be a 3 week window to gaze and ponder his divine status..... It's a shame that we won't be in Pézenas this July to see him (and the rest of the Tour) pass through on the way from Limoux to Montpellier, but it would probably be too much for me anyway!

If Fabian is the new Leopard, does that make me a cougar?????

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